Friday, December 4, 2009

Federal DIMP has been released.

Ok, so all the hype for DIMP is justified. DIMP's here. It's here to stay.

Now before you start grinding your teeth over yet another Federal regulation, just remember that it's for the safety of your O&M personnel, for the public, and for yourself. Remember, even one injury is one too many.

Now that Christmas is fast approaching, and since many of you will be taking vacation to enjoy time with your friends and family, I will delay the start of my series of discussing each segment of the new DIMP rules until the beginning of 2010. Definitely bookmark this blog and check back frequently for updates and discussion topics.

For those of you who would like a copy of the Federal DIMP rules, you can find it on the Federal Register's website, or simply email me and I'll send it to you.

Happy Holidays.


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